
FOIA Fodder

Looking for some FOIA inspiration? Look no further. The records listed here are known to exist and can be requested through the Freedom of Information Act (though no guarantees can be made that the records will be released). Keep in mind some records are held by the original agency while others may have been transferred to the National Archives. The lists of OIG investigations are included so individuals can request specific reports on Inspector General investigations.

Jump to: Army | CIA (separate page)| Commerce | Defense | DC | DHS | DIA | DNI | Education | Energy | EPA | FCC | FBI (separate page) | FEC | Foreign Scientist Case Files (separate page) | FTC | HHS | FHFA | Interior | Justice | Labor | NASA | Navy | NGA | NRO | NSF | Nuclear | Peace Corps | Small Business | Smithsonian | State Dept. | Transportation | Treasury |


Department of Agriculture

Department of Commerce

Department of Defense

District of Columbia


Defense Intelligence Agency

Office of the Director of National Intelligence

Department of Education

Department of Energy

Environmental Protection Agency

Federal Communications Commission

Federal Election Commission

Federal Trade Commission

Health and Human Services

Federal Housing Finance Agency

Department of Interior

Department of Justice

Department of Labor


National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

National Reconnaissance Office

National Science Foundation

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Peace Corps

Secret Service

Securities and Exchange Commission

Small Business Administration

Smithsonian Institution

State Department

Department of Transportation

Department of the Treasury